
Friday, February 26, 2016

Dear Matix...

   I've been thinking about you a lot this week. Mainly thoughts of excitement and anticipation. there are so many things I can't wait to introduce you to. The big number one being your brother Liam. Your dad and I are second children in our families too and so we have a pretty special bond with you already. We understand some of the struggles you'll face as the almost oldest and we also understand the great advantages to having an awesome older sibling to learn and grow with. Let me tell you, we're preparing Liam for you, he loves you, he knows you and he already wants to share his whole life with you. As a mother, I pray that those feelings only get stronger as you guys grow and I will get to watch you become life long friends and protectors of one another. These first few months might have some growing pains, I can't guaranty that Liam won't wack you out of curiosity or two-year-old frustration but I'll keep an eye on him. As the second child, you've got to remember, we're all still learning too, and just because you're not the oldest doesn't mean you wont be setting the example sometimes!

    You're father and I, like with many things in our life, cannot agree on a middle name for you! We want it to remind you of your roots, recall great people in your life you can look up to, exemplify characteristics of the man we believe you'll become and of course, I'd be nice if it sounded good between Matix and Merrell too. Dad likes Guy...and that's it. He's really stubborn  persistent about it. While I like Clynn, Harvey, Christen, Chancey (or Clancy) and a few others. We'll see which one makes the cut in the end, either way, lots of thought and prayer are going into it and we know you'll be proud to bear whatever name we decide on. Matix is a name we both love and feel strongly will fit you and your middle name will be the same.

     I spent the whole day nesting on your behalf, cleaning and sanitizing baby toys, bottles, your car seat and some hand-me-downs. By the way, as the second child you'll learn to LOVE hand-me downs, I'm 25 and still live in my sisters clothes, I imagine sharing clothes will be even easier with boys with less curves and fashion opinions so I'm excited for you. This time around I'm much less worried about your arrival. I know you're going to come when you want and in whatever fashion you desire so I'm hoping we share a birthday but if you come in May, I'd understand too. Please, please please, just cook all the way through, be healthy and strong, stay in there as long as it takes. Whenever Liam talks to my belly he says, "You growin' in there?" or "Your bigger now, can you come out?". He's anxious but we'll wait.

    Your nursery is non-existent right now. We're working on moving a few things around, we weren't sure if we would be renewing our lease in this old double wide but it look like we get another year together here so now we have some re-situating to do. I've got a solid 9 more weeks of nesting to make sure everything gets done so no worries, you'll have a beautiful, peaceful place to call your own for a while.

     I just have to tell you how much we love you little man. Chad and I sit up at night and talk about what physical characteristics we bet you'll have, and how different your personality will be from Liams. We talk about what will be easier this time around (like breastfeeding and making sure you have what you need) , and what might be a new challenge for us ( like sleeping, time-management, and church with two little ones...oiy). We wonder who you'll look like, if you'll have as tiny of a mouth as Liam, more thin curly locks from mom or thick, dark hair like your father. We wonder if you'll be serious and sensitive like me or if you'll love service as much as Liam, or if you'll be passionate and strong like your dad. I'm betting you surprise us all with a gem-quality personality all of your own. Either way, we're excited to love you in person.

     Liam laid on my belly last night while we watched a movie together and he shot up, with a shocked look on his face and said "I feel the baby movin'!" He kept his hand on my belly for the next 10 minutes, waiting patiently for some more kicks. He sure loves you!

   The countdown is on, Can't wait to snuggle with all 3 of my boys in a few weeks!





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