
Thursday, June 22, 2017

Just so good

I realized I never posted about my birthday or our anniversary and thats just a crime. Both occassions were so beautiful and fun-filled, I'm just so grateful that things are just so good! My birthday started off by Liam singing to me and a decorted home from my husband who left for his awesome job hours before I woke. I took my boys to the library and read silly books and sang new songs with them all morning, we went down the streets to my parents to eat some Chipolte in thier beautiful back yard while the kids played tag on the lawn. I took my kids home for a nice long (well-deserved) nap and we got to have a play date in the afternoon before my voice and guitar students came for a few hours. I get dinner arranged for the boys and my mom and sister whisked me away to a full body massage and Mod pizza girls night.
    All day I couldn't get over how good I have it. I have so much to be grateful for even on the most mundane days, like the time and means to read to my kids, having the means to work from home, a Heavenly Father to pray to and cast my burdens on, my incredible capable students who love coming to lessons and treat me with respect, living down the street from my family who take care of me and let me take care of them, opportunities to serve all around me, a safe neighborhood with kind people who im thrilled to be raising my kids around, two baby boys who are learning, seeing and demonstrating good works and are eager to make others happy, a hard working husband who loves what he does and love doing it for me and the boys. I truly and sincerely have all that I need. I've recognized recently that in the past I've found fault or concerns about each of these blessing and regret to admit that I ever found issue with any blessings the Lord has granted me. No so much issues with them, as much as reasons to feel incomplete or wanting more. I think thats life though, we want to always have drive and a motivating force of ambition moving us to achieve our goals and aspire for something higher and we also want to always be happy and that balance is hard to obtain, and once obtained its hard to sustain but today, roght now, i found it. I'm perfectly happy where we are and truely grateful for this season in my life, and still, i know that time and work will reap greater rewards. In other words, life just keeps getting better. I have such a full heart and know I'll look back at this time in my life with tender fondness and humility for the blessings I've been granted.

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