
Monday, February 01, 2016

What makes you happy?

    Money's been tight for a while, it's something we've adjusted to but it's still a little stressful when we get curve balls thrown at us because it feels like we're always recovering from the last financial curve ball, (broken down cars/ blow outs/medical emergencies etc.). We finally started feeling like we were making some head way and creating a safety net for said curve balls in the future when Chad came home asking about a bunch of Starbucks charges on our bank statement. Chad and I talk pretty frequently about our finances so I was as surprised as him to see unfamiliar charges and a much lower balance than we're comfortable with. As we reviewed our statement together online, we discovered that over $250 in fraudulent charges had been made on our account. I called the bank immediately and closed my card and started the dispute process which means i started calling all the companies that were listed under each charge and investigating how each payment was made and from where. It took a couple hours but after lots of research, I called back the bank who informed me that they were closing and we'd have to dispute the charges the next day.
    I was so anxious, frustrated and stressed! How does someone just take money from some else that they don't even know?! And really, re-loading 3 Starbucks gift cards? You want to steal $75 just for coffee? I don't get how someone can take something from someone else unless they truly just have no perception of what it means to earn a living. (which I'm sure is the case, but I still struggle to wrap my brain around the thought) Chad laughed when I lamented "I'm sure if he knew we were both working, and try hard to save, if he knew we were Liams parents or that we live in a crappy trailer house and only eat out on very special occasions. If he knew Chad donated plasma twice a week to cover our groceries or that I clean peoples houses, teach music, do research studies and pick up odd jobs whenever I can to help our family get ahead, or that we miss out on lots of vacations, fancy date nights, concerts and traveling experiences to prepare for a better tomorrow and save for our kids, I'm sure he would have chosen someone else to screw over!" I know that's not the case but it made it feel less personal. Becasue something about money and livelihood is, in nature, very personal.
    I don't know if it was the fact that it was in the middle of a long and stressful week, or the fact that my hormones are really gearing up for this baby, or what, but after things settled down I went into my room for a  minute and just cried. Naturally moments after I turned on the water works, sweet Liam found me. I quickly whipped my tears and said "hey buddy, what do ya need?" He analyzed my face and ran out of the room, returning quickly with his favorite blanky and gently laid it over my knees, "here mama, is for you, I hope you like it." Before I could thank him he ran out again and returned this time with a bag of goldfish and his Daniel Tiger doll. He handed them both to me and said, "Here mama, this makes you happy!" He then gestured for me to pick him up and gave me the biggest hug and didn't let go until I started crying again, this time from gratitude. Chad showed up just in time to watch it all and we cried together.
    I feel like I could leave it at that. Liam is an angel, my husband is my anchor and money can't buy either so what's it really worth?
    I went to the bank the next morning with a much better attitude and lots of paperwork and statement from the many companies I was now very well acquainted with and all the disputes I filed were listed as fraudulent. The money wouldn't return to our account until well after we needed it but it would return so that's what matters. The banks explained that they followed my card for a few hours after I closed it and into that next day, someone was still attempting to make a slew of hefty charges that were all declined. Whoever you are out there, stealing peoples debit card information and charging up unimportant sporting tickets, gift card reloads and're a meanie, get a job and drink less coffee. Find something that makes you happy, money isn't it.

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