
Thursday, April 14, 2016

38 weeks

     Today I'm 38 weeks, measuring 38 weeks (which means I didn't grow much at all from last weeks measurements and should probably stop telling people that I'm a week ahead of where I'm actually at, bummer). I went to Dr. Huish yesterday with little to no hope for progress. Contractions have lessened in intensity and slowed down quite a bit, I hadn't done too much walking in comparison to the week before and honestly was just hunkering down mentally for him to say "Yeah, it'll be another late baby for you".
   They checked the babys heart beat and talked with me about how I was measuring the same as last week, but that didn't mean things weren't progressing, they could just mean that baby was at his optimal weight and height and would stick around just until he was ready to come out. But of course all I heard was, "no bigger than last week".
   Then he checked me for dilation and effacement and to my pleasant surprise, I was 3cm dilated and 70-80% effaced! Guys, I know I could stay this way til week 41 but allow me to be a little excited here. It took me 41 weeks, someone breaking my water for me, 6 hours of labor and Pitocin to get me to 3cm with Liam! I think I'm allowed to be stoked about this. While he was down there (for lack of better terms), he casually asked if I'd like for him to sweep my membrane and I freaked out a little internally, knowing that I was still weeks away from a due date and have heard from many trusted mamas that its very painful during and after but without a beat my mind made itself up without me and I said sure.
   Surprised again, it was painless. We set up an induction date for the 27th (the day before my due date) just in case I haven't had him by then. I'd like to have him on a Wednesday because it will enable Chad to be home with us as long as he'd like to be and lets face it, this baby will be good and ripe by then and I'm not doing the whole "wait a week later just to be induced later" thing again. I walked away from the appointment feeling so excited and called Chad to give him the news that I knew would make his stomach flip a little (he gets more and more nervous as we get closer to the due date and I not-so-secretly love seeing him all panicky and vulnerable, so cute). I've been feeling more cramps and some back contractions but he's still happy where he's at for a while I think. which I'm ok with, I'm staying busy!
    This weeks we still have to....

-Buy diapers and wet wipes
-Find our co-sleeper attachment for our pack-n-play
-Sell the guest bed and VW
-Finish staining the table and chairs
-Wash and put away babys clothes
-Get a few FHEs planned out in advance
-Finish putting together Liams "big brother bag"
-Ped i cure ! I tell you, my feet are like chubby bricks, its not pretty.
-Make freezer meals
-Visit teach
-Attend my students school plays (one is staring in Peter Pan and the other in YAGMCB)
-Plan a special day for my boys

Lots to do but I'm confident if he decided to come in the next 24 hours, I could forget about it all and be "ready". SO anxious to meet Matix!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:04 PM

    When Chad told Trent over the phone, I screamed a classic "Shut up!" So so so excited for you guys!
