At 2:00 on Monday morning, I woke up to my water breaking. I
instantly realize i had no control and i wasn't wetting the bed so I
tapped on Chad and whispered, "sweetheart, i think my water just broke."
He leaped out of bed, slammed his knee into the front of the bedpost
and ran to the middle of the living room, stopped, then turned around
and came back into the room and asked if he should get Liam up. I
laughed and said, "sweetie, the baby isn't here yet, it's just a little
water!". I wasn't feeling any contractions at all and compared to when
the doctor broke my water with Liam, it was a very small amount of water
so we weren't sure if it was really my water breaking or if it was
just...I don't know, a leak, was that even possible?
I called
my mom and told her, "We "think" my water broke" so she could be ready
to take Liam if that was the case. I started packing a bag, and a few
things for Liam as well, I had made list of what the bags would need but
I hadn't actually packed them since I was still 10 days from my due
date. By the time I finished packing the bags, I was having moderate
contractions about 5-6 minutes apart. I felt nervous, I went from 0
contractions to consistent strong contractions in 30 minutes, it took 20
minutes to get to the hospital and I still had to get penicillin
treatments before the baby arrived! I've never naturally gone into labor
so I wasn't sure how quickly things were supposed to move but this was
much faster than last time for sure! I started to loose my head a little
as we dropped Liam off at my parents. Chad and my dad gave me a much
needed blessing and we hurried out the door. I squeezed Liam and tried
to explain to him that when we got back, he'd be a big brother....he
didn't care, he ran down the hall to find kitty.
As we drove, i
talked myself down and tried to stay calm the contractions got stronger
and longer. We had never been to the hospital to it took us a while to
figure out where to park and where to enter. We couldn't find anyone and
i thought i might just have the baby in the lobby. Finally we found
someone sitting quietly in an office who helped up find where we needed
to go. They confirmed that my water broke, got me hooked up to an IV and
by 3:30 I was in a delivery room contracting like crazy. it took about
an hour to get everything set up by 4:30 they started the first dose of
penicillin and it was much less painful than I had remembered with Liam.
I was almost to a 6 so we called the anesthesiologist in and got my
epidural. That will always be the scariest part of the experience for
me. Chad held me tight and our nurse was even very helpful, holding down
my shoulders ( since I was shaking with fear) and cheering me on, she
was such a sweetheart. It was administered quickly and perfectly. Within
15 minutes I was feeling like $100. It was now 5:45 and we were just
watching me have contractions on the monitor (probably the coolest thing
ever to know how much pain you should be in with each interval and only
feeling warm and a little sleepy) Babys heart rate was great and i was
still progressing very quickly. Chad started texting everyone out of
excitement and calling my family as a few of them would be able to come
and watch Matix arrive. After the fastest 2 hours ever, I felt pressure
and lots of it. Around 7:30, I was ready to have the baby. The epidural
dosage is honestly perfect for me, with Liam it worked the same way.
They give you a button to press if it starts to wear off so that you
give yourself another dose and stay numb but I never press it because I
want to be able to feel it just enough to know when to push and feel the
pressure of the babys decent. I was at a 10 at 8:00 and I knew it. I
called the nurse in and she confirmed it, however, it had only been 3
hours and 30 minutes since I started my penicillin treatment and it had
to be at lease 4 hour of treatment or the baby would be at an extreme
risk for pneumonia and lung infections so I had to try to make it to
8:30 so those risks would go down and we wouldn't need to have the baby
tested and observed for 48 hours after birth.
The nurse turned on the "relaxation channel" on the TV and told me to
try to relax and keep the baby in! My mom, Danica and Shayna arrived
around 8:20 and didn't make it easy to stay calm, they were all so
excited! The nurse came in to get me started on pushing, as I got ready
they had a nurse shift change and sent in someone else, I was sad, i
love my nurse and the new one had a very strong personality that rubbed
everyone wrong. My mom and sister made their way to the front of the bed
per my request..they wanna see the baby, not everything else. The nurse
came to check the babe just before we started pushing and was surprised
to find my water bag. My water hadn't fully broken, it I was at a high
leak and the bag itself was the only thing holding the baby in (thank
heavens) the nurse was oddly excited about it and told everyone to come
and look at it, she insisted. So I kindly and quickly insisted that no
one needed to see anything down there except her and the doctor and
Chad. She broke the water and had me start pushing, only to stop me
again and have me wait a moment longer for the doctor to get there. Dr.
Huish walked in moments later and asked me to push with the next
contraction, I pushed with all my might and to my surprise he said,
"alright, one more just like that and he'll be here!" I pushed and
moments later, Matix was in my arms! I'll never be more amazed by
anything more than the feeling of holding your baby to your chest right
after they're born and watching your true loves face when he see's his
newest child for the first time. It's unreal the way your baby knows you
and you know them, its like a beautiful reunion! He had more hair then I
thought possible and he was strong, resting his head on my chest but
gripping me tightly. I loved every second of it.
mom and sisters gathered around with cameras and iphones to capture
whatever they could and get the "artsiest" shots for Breea to work with.
I was so sad that a few people who wanted to be in the room were unable
to but he was a surprise to us all...10 days?! Like I've mentioned in
previous posts, I think the due date calculation was off by a week the
whole time, which would put him 3 days early....a lot more likely, in my
eyes but either way, it was surprising.
Matix had lower level 3 jaundice so we ended up staying an extra day
just to make sure it was on its way down. I'm glad we did because on the
second day they told us that he had lost 10% of his body weight and
that that was much more weight than whats normal so they wanted to to
get with a lactation consultant to make sure baby was getting milk. I
was way ahead of them, I had already seen the consultant twice and saw
her an additional 2 more times before we left. I think that's just what
my babys do. Liam lost a scary amount of weight right off the bat too
but this time around Matix has much less against him. He isn't bad at
latching and he doesn't have a horribly stuffed nose like Liam did, so
regardless of his weight loss, he's doing quite well with the
breastfeeding and as we practice, we'll both get better!
delivery went perfectly, I couldn't have asked for anything more. Chad
and I laugh at how different Liams and Matixs births were but how we
felt so equally satisfied and happy with each experience. We could
compare them all day long but what it comes down to is both were really
wonderful experiences that we'll never forget.
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oh my gosh! Ok, I have to admit, i don't read all of yoru posts....but I read the first paragraph and the last 2. I LOVE IT! With Vivian, they broke my water as I was pushing her out. I wish they wouldn't have. I've alway wanted to deliver one in the bag. Lindstrom broke my water and i delivered Tru about 15 minute later. Having babies is soooo cool!!! Good job! He's so freaking cute. I'm so excited to hold him Tru's going to look iike a giant next to him...but this time two years from now...same size! Can't wait for them to play together.
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for you! He is seriously adorable, Kayla. I am so jealous that Trent was able to hold that sweet spirit. I can't wait to meet him. I didn't realize you needed antibiotics too! Anyways, loved every word! Thanks for the updates!