
Monday, April 04, 2016

The Home Stretch

 I have found myself looking back at old post from my first pregnancy as I get closer to Matixs due date. I was so good about logging everything and recording any changes the first go-around so now that I'm on round two, I have a pattern to compare my new experience with. I'm 36 week, measuring 37 weeks and got to see the babe via ultrasound on Monday. I was checked for dilation and effacing today and the doc said I was 1 centimeter dilated and 60% effaced. Meaning that compared to Liam, I am where I was at week 38. Sadly, this makes me feel optimistic, but I know that I could very easily stay at a 1 and 60% for the next month so we'll see how thing are progressing at my next appointment. It is exciting to be able to check on babe every week from here on out though, while I know this month is going to be a long one, it's still so close and very exciting.
   Hopefully i can be better about logging my progress this last month then I have been the past 8 so that next time around I can have even more of a reference to go off of but I make no promises. I've got lots to do.

Birthdays this month:
Ray (step Dad)
Stratton (Nephew)
Mine (I hope Matix will share it with me!)
Aaron (Nephew)

SO yeah, lots of partying and business!

Other stuff:
Filing taxes (we're a little behind)
General conference
Preparing Singing time lessons for May (and the end of April just in case)
Getting his nursery started (not finished, started)
BUYING DIAPERS! We have none and it hit me hard this morning that we'll have diapers in our house for the next decade or so...
Whole 30 meal prep (for post baby cleanse)
Arrange make-ups for voice and guitar lessons
Hair colored and feet pedicured  (if you think I'm being vain or this isn't absolutely necessary, you haven't seen me is)

My ultrasound was wonderful, I love my doctors office so much, everything is run so efficiently and we're always in and out of there quickly but never rushed, its a hard balance but I really appreciate them keeping it fast and personal.

Apparently baby is 7 pounds already...

14 oz away from being as big as Liam was when he was born....and we still have 3.5 weeks to go. Babies grow between 1/2 pound and a pound a week, so we're looking at potentially a very large baby.


I'm still doubting it, they told me Liam was 8 pounds at 38 weeks and he came out 7.14 3 weeks later so I still just don't know what to expect, which is probably for the best.

I'm just happy he's healthy and kickin! Kicking all the time!

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