
Friday, May 20, 2016

One Month Old

 Its been a wonderful month. Matix is such a great baby and I love watching Liam grow as a brother just as fast as Matix. It feels like Matix has been with us forever, we are so comfortable with him in our home. Liam loves to hug him, smell his thick, dark hair, laugh at his noises and put blankets on him. Whenever Matix cries, he alerts me and then say"Mama, he's saying, "LIIIAAAAMMM!". Liam knows he's needed and that's more than I could have hoped for at this stage in their relationship.

Last week Matix weighed in at 9lbs 10oz so he's probably somewhere around 10 lbs now. He eats all.the.time. Seriously, he's eating about 3-4 oz every 2-3 hours. He's very squeaky, when he eat, when he stretched, when he sleeps, he's always squeaking or grunting. Liam thinks it's hilarious. Matix is still wearing newborn clothes but grows out of a new outfit everyday and is in size one diapers now. His umbilical cord took for ev er to fall out, it just came out 4 days ago and his adorable belly button manifest itself (probably one of my favorite things on newborns, those little belly buttons).

  Our favorite things to do with Matix are cuddle of course but  we each have our little things. Liam loves to shake his hand and rub his head against Matixs head, which bugs Matix so bad but we'll never stop Liam from loving on him. Chad loves  laying him on his belly and watching him practice holding his head up. Liam was the same but it's amazing how stable his head is already, it looks funny for a baby so small to have such a strong neck...of course he's still a little bobbly but he loves looking around at tummy time and we love. As for me, I love watching him sleep. He's so peaceful and it's so satisfying as a mom to see a happy, healthy, sleeping babe. Speaking of sleeping, he's slowly starting to become less nocturnal. His roughest time is from 8-11pm, he pretty much just cries and eats the whole time but by the time he falls asleep around 11, he'll either wake up once at 2:30 then again at 5:30 or he'll wake up at 4:30 and again at 7:30. both options are very manageable and if it weren't for me having to pump more often, we'd be getting some pretty good sleep. Mama feeds and dad puts him back to sleep by cuddling for a few minutes. Chads so warm that Matix just sinks into him and falls asleep in his warm arms... I get a little jealous but I'm SO glad Chad can put him to sleep so effortlessly.

 As of yesterday I am no longer breastfeeding, I'm a full time pumper and Matix is taking to the bottle like a champ. Liam insists on holding the bottle ( for about 15 seconds) every time I feed Matix. He loves to help and gets so proud when he can make Matix happy. While I'll always wish that my breastfeeding experiences could have been positive, it is so wonderful being able to share these feeding moments and responsibilities with Chad and Liam, they both love helping and we all think its pretty special to have the one on one time with Matix where he really looks into our eyes with his deep blues and gets to know and love us. This is honestly whats best for our family.

1 month
10ish pounds
21 inches
Loves to eat and stare at dad
Gets comments all the time on how old he looks (mature facial features)
Endures headbutts and puppeteering from Liam
LOVES tummy time and being outside
Takes a paci like a champ
Makes hilarious faces
Already breaks free from his swaddle
WE love his bearpaws, watching him take bathes, and his endless side smiles
Nicknames: Jellybean, Maggots, Matix-bear, Bearcub, Grandpa

Here's a little throw back video of a month ago today...a very happy day. Love you Matix!

1 comment:

  1. So yea, just sitting here crying. I LOVE this video. I t's so calm and peaceful, and gave me SUCH a sense of relief. Isn't it the best feeling to go from THE most uncomforatable we can possibly be, to the most comforted ever?! I LOVE having a newborn on my skin. Oh man, that's the best feeling. Seriously, I'm craving it right now. I might need to strip down Tru and hold him. Babies are amazing. And I'm with you. SO BADLY I've hoped for a positive breastfeeding expereience. I'm So grateful I got one with Boston, but the other was 4 weeks, 3 weeks, 9 months, then 4 months of hand expressing with twice a day latch on, then 4 months of pumping with twice a day latch on, then Tru, which was 2 months of nursing/pumping, and 2 more months of just pumping. So I feel like I've expereinced it all. Oh, so I quit pumping this week, and on one side, the bottle had a full ounce of JUST blood...reminded me of watching Jaden throw up my blood, and Pearce drinking "strawberry milk". Good times Curse the easy going breastfeeders (DANICA!)
