
Friday, June 17, 2016

A weekend away

  It happens every time. I try to surprise chad with something he'll love and he ends up suggesting doing or getting the exact surprise I've planned for weeks, days before I do it. Which, in turn, makes it seem like it was never a planned surprise, making it look like i just wanted Chad to THINK I was planning a surprise when I "agree to do/buy what HE suggested".
It drives me crazy.
  Naturally, I spent time planning and preparing for a perfect fathers day weekend for the awesome father of my children and he comes to me and suggests my exact plans just days before the surprise.
I give up. No more surprises for you Chad.
  I planned a fun day trip up to one of our favorite hikes, the Tonto Natural bridge. I packed lunched, woke up early and got everyone out the door on time with an optimistic attitude, ready to take our baby on his first hike and ready to spend the day cell phone free, distraction free, enjoying each other fully.
  The babies slept the whole way up, leaving 2 hours of conversation and laughs for Chad and I. There isn't too many things I like more than road tripping with Chad. We got there and after a LOT of prep, we finally got on the trail. It was hot. WAY hot. I was starting to think it was a horrible mistake until we finally got to the base and saw the beautiful natural cave.

The waterfall was stunning and there was just enough of a breeze that we would occasionally get a surprise misting that took all of our breaths away.
Hiking was a breeze with my solly wrap (Thanks Mallory, I'm convinced, I'm getting one of my own!) Matix stayed snuggled up tight against me and asleep even when I was climbing on hands and knees through the slippery stones and cave.
Liam was fearless, swinging his arms happily, marching like one of the seven dwarfs through the caves and caverns in the walls of the bridge.
We  had to warn him a few times to watch his head and duck as the caves got smaller and smaller but he caught on and without us asking, bear crawled through most of the caves. Somethings about a tiny two year old body bear crawling is just adorable.

Liam loved the rocks so much, he would just touch the walls and his eyes were filled with curiosity and wonder. I love watching him learn. Especially when he's learning to love something.
Matix did a lot of sleeping, which I was grateful for, but my boys are little heaters when they sleep so we did a lot of wrapping and unwrapping to keep ourselves cool.
"Hey Matix, you did the hike so good, pound it"-Liam
He was happy as a clam when we dot to the top. I love when his smile matches his if they didn't already look identical!
Group hug! (don't worry, they did another one with me)
On our way out of the bridge, we stopped by the freezing cold creek to cool of before the hot trek back up the hill. It sounds cheesy I'm sure but anytime my husband leads my boy into the water, I get so excited for thier baptisms. It's so symbolic to me, the faith that's required and the trust between a father and son. There's obviously so much more to a baptism then faith andtrust but I'm so glad we've already got that going/growing for us. (not-so-secret wish of mine, all my kids to be baptized in a lake or river, how amazing would that be?!).

Liam didn't want to get out but we convinced him when we mentioned the ice cream we'd be getting in Payson on our way home. We were surprised at how well we all did with the hike, we were all sweating but not out of breath. I'd brag about it but we met a couple who passed us pretty easily that had just completed a triathalon earlier that morning...yeah, were not THAT fit.

The boys slept most of the way home and Chad and I got to visit some more, mostly about fathers day and family. I feel like when we talk, I'm reminded of how different we are and how refreshing it is to have such a different perspective so readily available for me to consider. I sure love my babies daddy.
   The rest of the fathers day weekend was wonderful. We spent the morning spoiling him with breakfast in bed,  a new leather wallet and some paintings from the boys (Yes, Matix helped too). Liam Sang a beautiful fathers day song that was aggressively loving and they wore matching ties to church.
Chad helped me with my "Bop your Pop" activity in primary and it was a total hit. We went home, relaxed as a family all day and had a very manly, very meaty dinner with all my favorite dads. I'm pretty blessed in the dad department. I'm grateful I'll never have to know what it's like not to have a loving dad in my life and even more grateful that my kids will always have these guys to look up to and count on. These dads know how to do it and they're eternal.

It was a beautiful weekend away from the daily grind and worries of the world. We decided we need a few more fathers days in a year.

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