
Friday, June 17, 2016

two months old

Matix is growing so big! He is so chubby and very strong. This month has been a rough one for him, lots of adjustments and growing pains but he's been a trooper and shown us his sweet smiles in spite of his discomfort. I've been very aware of the difference that has come to our home with the presents of his spirit. He is so individual and unique, and the presence of his innocence and heavenly warmth fills our home and gently demands our observance. He has all three of us completely smitten and hanging on his every coo.

  He's still got a head full of hair and we love it so much, it's what he gets the most compliments on, but I'M partial to his rolls, as he develops more each day. He's 13.3 pounds and 24 inches long.
 I lovingly compare some of Matixs habits to Liams infant habits and so far they have just as many differences as they do things in common. Unlike Liam, Matix is gaining weight and getting chubby fast, he is also not as into the idea of a routine as Liam was but we're just fine with our 4am snuggles and smiles. Liam was much quieter where Matix likes to be heard and Matix enjoys tummy time and can already roll from his belly to his back with ease where it took Liam a month longer to get there. Plenty of differences but they both LOVE tummy time and stretching that adorable turtle neck all the way back. Both are very observant, always wide eyed and looking around every waking moment and just like Liam, Matix has the tiniest little features, his tiny mouth, making eating a huge inconvenience, his tiny nose, very squeezable, and his tiny but very strong chins, that Chad and I admittedly kiss and bite the most.

Matix is so smiley, he spends a lot of time digesting an working through some stomach pains but you can bet that as soon as he gets feeling better he'll smile til he sleeps. It never ever gets old. Neither do his noises, his cooing is always accompanied by wide eyed concentration and anxious head bobbing. He's got a strong little neck but when he gets excited, he's a teenager at a metallica concert.

Liam has started call him "Maggie"...ya know, short for maggets...ya know...short for Matix. I think its hilarious, Chads not as impressed. No matter what we call him, he's our favorite little bruder and we love him!

1 comment:

  1. He's so adorable! I miss him! Im awaiting blessing pictures! You're so good abot describing the feeling and personality of each kid. I need to do better at that. So glad I have you as a blogging buddy. The world was so much better before facebook and instagram. I hate them both!!!!
